Dosh Stashes

Level up your
money game

Create Stashes and start managing your money in dosh. Need to put money aside for rent? Groceries? A holiday? Stash your hard-earned money away in your personalised Stashes and take control over how you manage your money.

Customised Accounts

Bring your personality into your dosh app

Personalise your Stashes with colours and emojis to bring your personality into your dosh app and have some fun while managing your finances.

Start a rainy day stash

Be prepared for the unexpected

Avoid unexpected setbacks when it comes to your finances by setting up a rainy day stash in dosh. This way you can stay on track with your finances and always be prepared with money in your dosh account.

Take control over your finances

Manage your money, your way
Open and edit Stashes freely
Easily transfer money between your dosh accounts
Be prepared for unexpected bills
All money in your dosh account is held on trust with an AA- rated NZ registered bank

Frequently asked questions

How much will dosh cost?

There is no cost to open a osh account, to open Stashes accounts, to make payments to other users, or to receive payments. There is no cost to move money from your acount back to your regular bank account. It is free to order a Dosh Card, and there are no associated account fees. There is a Windcave convenience fee of $0.70 to instantly add money to your account via Windcave. Adding money to your account via bank transfer is completely free. Please see our T&Cs for more information.

How is dosh better than the way I currently manage my money?

Dosh is the 100% digital way to manage your money. Anything you need can be done from your dosh app, there's no need to go into a physical branch and wait in lines. Simply spend, save, and borrow all from your mobile device.

Is dosh cryptocurrency?

No, dosh is not a cryptocurrency. dosh is NZ dollars transferred from your bank account and accessed from your dosh account (the dosh app on your smartphone). All monies are held securely in a trust account at a New Zealand bank. dosh is a registered financial services provider.

Can I only pay or request money from other dosh users?

No. You can pay anyone from your phone contacts list, not just dosh users.

Open your dosh app, select Send or Request – To a contact. Find the contact you want to pay/request from, enter the amount and hit Next. Check your payment details are correct, then tap Confirm. If your contact does not have dosh, we send an SMS to the recipient with your referral code, and when they open a dosh account your payment is waiting for them.

If they use your referral code at sign-up, you will receive a $5 referral bonus. Every payment or request for payment to a new dosh user will earn you $5, as long as they use your referral code when they join dosh.

What happens if they don’t download the app? New dosh users have seven days from receiving the SMS to download dosh and receive your payment. A reminder SMS is sent on Day six; and on Day seven if they still haven’t downloaded the app, your payment will be reversed to your dosh account.

Get the dosh app

Join our network of thousands of clever Kiwis spending, saving and borrowing in dosh. Get dosh today.

Download the app
2 minute account set up
Start managing!